
Bird News Saturday 28th January

The Bonaparte's Gull is back at Ballygally (Neal Warnock)
An immature drake Ferruginous Duck was at Oxford Island NNR today. Also a Siberian Chiffchaff reported at the same location (in the bushes at the visitor centre). (Conor Foley)
The Cattle Egret was seen again at Hillsborough Lake (Conor Foley)
The male Red-crested Pochard was at Lurgan Park this morning (Stephen Foster)
11 Iceland Gull, a Kumlien's Gull and 3 Glaucous Gull were at Ardglass Harbour. The Ross's Gull was looked for all day without success (Chris Murphy).

At Portmore Lough was the drake Smew, Marsh Harrier and a Merlin (Ed O'Hara)

The flock of Snow Buntings was still along Hightown Road above Glengormley at the old landfill site (Larry Toal).
2 Greenland White-fronted Geese were with 40 Greylag in fields at Craigantlet along Ballysallagh/Ballygilbert Roads (Derek Polley).
16 Greylag were at Cliftonville Playing fields in north Belfast (Ricky McQuillan).
A Little Egret was at Briggs Rocks on the Down side of Belfast Lough. It was seen later at Ballymacormick Point. A Sandwich Tern was on Cockle Island at Groomsport and the second winter Ring-billed Gull was at the Harbour (Colin Guy).
In Strangford Lough between Anne's Point and Gransha Point in excellent condtions were the Red-necked grebe (Herring Bay), 26 Slavonian grebe (24 in Greyabbey Bay and 2 south of Monaghan Bank), 2 black-throated diver (off Chapel Island and south of Monaghan Bank), 3 great-northern diver (south of Monaghan Bank), a pink-footed goose (Anne's Point) and 2 long-tailed duck (a pair in Greyabbey Bay). (Richard Weyl)
There was no sign of the Richards Pipit this morning (Conor Foley)
There was a Short-eared Owl at Killard (Conor Foley / Keith Bennett)

6 Velvet Scoter and 1 Black-thr diver at Murlough; 2 Great Northern Diver were at Monaghan bank, Kircubbin this afternoon (Keith Bennett)
3 Twite were at Glenarm, 7 Common Scoter to the south along with 6 Great Northern Divers (Pauline Majury)
A female Black Redstart was at Whitehead Lighthouse (Irish Birding)

Please report your sightings to:

Twite - Pauline Majury
Common Scoter - Pauline Majury

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