
Bird News Sunday 29th January

The Ross' s Gull was back This afternoon at Ardglass Harbour, also a 1w Kumliens Gull was present (Chris and Tim Murphy). Up to 20 Iceland Gulls and another Kumlien Gull were also seen (Irish Birding)
The Cattle Egret was seen again at Hillsborough Lake at 4:20 (Frank Carroll)

A male Brambling was in a garden at Waterloo Park in Belfast (Larry Toal).
The Black Swan was still at Toomebridge (Peter Scullion).
A Twite was in a garden at Cloughfern, Whiteabbey. (Jim McKeown)
An Iceland Gull flew south at Ballygalley, Co Antrim (Stephen Foster)
At Bay Shore, Derrytrasna, Lough Neagh were 2 Greenland White-fronted Geese with 20+ Greylag at the west end of bay (Ed O'Hara and Garry Armstrong)
A Glaucous Gull and 300 Barnacle Geese were at Malin Head (David Hill)

Please report your sightings and send photographs to:  Many thanks to all who take the time to send sightings in.

Glaucous Gull - David Hill
Greenland Whitefront with Greylags - Ed O'Hara

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