
Bird News Thursday 12th January

The Bonaparte's Gull was still at Ballygally (David Ledsham / Adam McClure)
Outer Ards today: 1 ad Med gull at Barr Hall bay (Ballyquintin). Portaferry marina had 6 Sandwich terns, singles at Ballyquintin point and Ballyfrench (N of Portavogie). Short-eared owl Ballyquintin point. 3 purple sandpipers Ballyfrench. (Keith Bennett)
3 Little Egret were on the north side of Ballycarry Bridge in Larne Lough (Cameron Moore).
2 Snow Bunting were at Tullycar Hill near Killeter in west Tyrone (David Steele).
At Larne Lough the Dark-bellied Brent, 120 Pale-bellied, a Barnacle Goose and 25 Greylag were a mile north of Ballycarry Bridge on the Island Magee side (Cameron Moore).
The second winter Ring-billed Gull was still at Groomsport. 8 Purple Sandpiper were at Cove Bay.
Balyquintin Point had 650 Wood Pigeon feeding in stubble - (largest flock I have seen in NI), Starling 450, Rook 550, a huge mixed gull flock (for the Outer Ards) feeding on shore and in nearby fields - nearly 2500 approximately 1100 Black-headed Gull, 350 Herring Gull, 1000 Common Gull (Ian Enlander) 
400 or so Woopers werre at Myroe (Crindle) and 200 Greylag Geese (Charles Stewart)

Many thanks again to all who send in photographs and sightings! Today's photographs are from Charles Stewart, Richie Lort and Alistair Prentice. You can report your sightings to
Whoopers and Greylags - Charles Stewart
Buzzard - Richie Lort

Whoopers, Newry Canal - Alistair Prentice

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