
Bird News for Friday 13th January.

On the east side of Strangford Lough in excellent conditions, a Red-necked Grebe between Greyabbey Bay and Herring Bay (photo attached), 25 Slavonian Grebe (21 in Greyabbey Bay and 4 north of Gransha Point), 13 Great-northern Diver (9 at Ringburr Point and 4 north of Gransha Point). Also 2 Red Kite flew across the road, south of Greyabbey,wing tags not noted.(R.Weyl)
The adult Bonaparte's Gull was still at Ballygalley (Tom Ennis, Guy Hamilton)

A Black Redstart was at Blackhead Co.Antrim.It was mainly using cliff area above 2nd cave.(I.Enlander)
Drake Red-crested Pochard still at Kinnegoe Bay. Five sites around the Aghagallon/Portmore areas had 302 Whoopers, including 44 young. At Derryclone (near Bartins Bay) there was a juvenile Dark Bellied Brent Goose, along with a single Greylag and Whoopers.(D.Nixon)

A 1st winter Iceland Gull was at the Lagan Weir in Belfast.(Irishbirding)
40 Snow Bunting were at the landfill site along Hightown Road above Glengormley (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).
The second winter Ring-billed Gull and 12 Purple Sandpiper were at Groomsport.

In Donegal 3 Great Northern Diver were at Mountcharles. 4 Great Northern Diver were at Killybegs and 70/100 Twite and 5 Whooper Swan at Sheskinmore (Vernon Carter).

Useful information for coming weekend.
The A20 Portaferry Rd is due to be closed at Greyabbey this weekend (from 7pm Friday until 8am Monday), according to signs by the road. Birders from the N rushing to check the Greyabbey grebes might want to allow a fair bit of extra time for a considerable detour .... but you can search for that big owl instead!
Our thanks to Keith Bennett for the info.

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