
Bird News Tuesday 10th January

In Co. Armagh a Chiffchaff and a juvenile Brent Goose were at Oxford Island, the Great Northern Diver was on Craigavon Balancing Lake South and a Pink Footed Goose was with 80 Greylags at Reedy Flats. (Joe Devlin).

The male Smew and Marsh Harrier were still at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Irishbirding).

3 Great Northern Diver were on Lower Lough Erne. (Brad Robson).

9 Iceland Gull, 2 adult, 2 3rd winter, 2 2nd winter and 3 1st winter, were at Ardglass harbour as well as the 1st winter Kumlien's Gull and 2 Glaucous Gulls, a 1st winter and a 2nd winter. The female or immature Black Redstart was at Killough harbour. (Chris Murphy).

Yesterday 7 Iceland Gull, an adult and 6 1st winter, were at Corbally Dam in Portrush and a Glaucous Gull at Ballycastle. (Colin Guy).

Thanks to Tom Ennis, Joe Devlin and Guy Hamilton for todays great pictures.

Kumlien's Gull - Tom Ennis 

Chiffchaff - Joe Devlin 

Great Northern Diver - Joe Devlin 

Kittiwake - Guy Hamilton 

Kittiwake - Guy Hamilton

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