
The travels of a Black-headed Gull

Black-headed Gull - Pauline Majury
We welcome reports of ringed birds and many thanks to Pauline Majury for the excellent picture above.
This individual was colour-ringed as a pullus on Lough Mask, County Mayo on 15/06/08 and was subsequently resighted at Larne Harbour in Co. Antrim on 02/01/2009 by Neal Warnock and more recently on the 2nd January by Pauline Majury. It would therefore appear that it is displaying site faithfulness to its original wintering grounds.
Many thanks to Eoin McGreal, Countryside Ranger with the NPWS for this information. There is a wider programme of ringing the Black-headed Gulls at Lough Mask so please report other ringed birds to assist this study.

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