
Bird News for Saturday 25th February

The Rough-legged Buzzard was seen again around 1:30 at Chapel Island. The bird had not been seen prior to that despite extensive searching. Richard Weyl suggests that a good time is around high tide (which is circa 2pm tomorrow). The best viewpoint is from taking a side road just south of Annes Point. Please respect the privacy of any residents in the area. (Clifford Sharpe \ Joe Devlin)
The four Russian Whitefronts were with the Greylag flock just south of Annes Point. 2 Little Egret were close by (Wilton Farrelly) 
The probable 1w Grey-bellied Brent was with 350 Pale-bellied feeding alongside Station Road, Killough at low tide early this morning. A 1w Kumlien's, 6 Iceland Gull and 1 Glaucous Gull still in Ardglass this afternoon. (Chris Murphy)
The male Ring-necked Duck was still at Lough Money (Joe Lamont).
A Black Redstart, 5 Red-throated and 2 Black-throated Diver were at Black Head. The 2 Iceland Gull were along the River Lagan in Belfast at McConnell's weir (John Pyper).

Yesterday a second-winter Glaucous Gull was at Portballintrae. The male Goosander was seen again along the river at Ballycastle and 2 Great Northern Diver were at Cushendun (Colin Guy).
At Corkey Point, Derrytrasna, Lough Neagh were, 3 Pinkfeet Geese, 1 Tundra Bean Goose, 17 presumed Russian Whitefront Geese. A Bewicks Swan was at Ardmore Point. (Ed O'Hara)

The Bonapartes Gull was seen today at Ballygally (Neal Warnock)
An adult Kumliens Gull was at Sandy Bay, Larne. An adult Mediteranean Gull was at Glynn lagoon and 1st & 2nd winter Mediteranean Gulls were at the Inver River.
Three Red Kite were at Greyabbey, an Iceland Gull at Portavogie and another at Portaferry (Walter Veale)
A ring-tailed Hen Harrier on Big Copeland. A Jack Snipe and 15 Yellowhammer were in a stubble field next to the Cunningham Burn Road north west of Mountstewart J538719. (Richard Weyl)

For anyone who is interested in twitching for a Red-breasted Goose, the Dumfries & Galloway bird is still present with Barnacles at Loaningfoot!

Presumed Russian Whitefronts, Lough Neagh - Ed O'Hara

Presumed Russian Whitefronts & Greylags, Lough Neagh - Ed O'Hara

Presumed Russian Whitefronts, Lough Neagh - Ed O'Hara

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