
Bird News for Sunday 26th February

At Corkey Point; Lough Neagh were 1 Tundra bean Goose, 3 Pinkfeet, 25+ Russian Whitefronts and 300 + Greater Scaup (Ed O'Hara)
The Rough-legged Buzzard was at Chapel Island, just south of Annes Point this morning, beteen 11 am and 2pm (Ed O'Hara \ Ian Graham) The four Russian Whitefronts were also nearby.
The presumed 1w Grey-bellied Goose still with c.350 pale-bellied brents in Killough Harbour. Tentatively identified by a process of elimination: too dark on underparts to be a typical pale-bellied; too pale to be a black brant; and with too much white on flanks, (dark) brown tone to upperparts and dusky bib not extending far enough beyond legs to be a dark-bellied. Possibilty of a hybrid cannot be ruled out but everything seems to fit Grey-bellied. If any photographers are interested low tide is the time to visit currently early to mid morning and again late afternoon to early evening. (Chris Murphy)

The drake Ring-necked Duck was giving good views at Lough Money, Co. Down (Frank Carroll)

The Red-necked Grebe was again at Herring Bay, south of Greyabbey along with 20 Slavonian Grebe. South of Gransha Point, a group of 6 Black-throated Diver and a single Great-northern Diver.
(Richard Weyl)

The Red-crested Pochard was still at Oxford Island (Ed O'Hara)

At Larne Lough 2 Iceland Gull (adult, first-winter), adult Mediterranean Gull, Little Egret and a Greenshank were at Glynn (Cameron Moore).

A Black-throated Diver and 8 Red-throated Diver were off Whitehead (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).

The second-winter Ring-billed Gull and a Red-throated Diver were at Groomsport (George Gordon)

An Iceland Gull was at Portaferry along with 7 Sandwich Tern.
Russian Whitefronts, Lough Neagh - Ed O'Hara
Red-crested Pochard, Oxford Island - Ed O'Hara

Russian Whitefronts - Ed O'Hara

Pink-footed Goose - Ed O'Hara

Tundra Bean Goose with Greylags - Ed O'Hara

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