
Bird News for Thursday 16th February.

The 4 Russian White fronted Geese still showing this morning between Greyabbey and Mountstewart, a ring tailed Hen Harrier was also in the area.(R.Price/M.Taylor)
A 2nd winter Iceland Gull was at the RSPB Belfast Harbour Estate.(Jim/Rachel McKeown)
The young male Marsh Harrier was showing again at Portmore Lough.(D.Hunter)
A first-winter Iceland Gull was at Newferry and 487 Whooper Swan in the Lough Beg area (D. Steele)
70 Tree Sparrow, 1 female Brambling and 1 female Yellowhammer were feeding in a garden in Richill.(A.Poots)
The Snowy Owl was looked for again to-day, but again no sighting, although visibility was poor. It would appear though that it has moved out of the area.

Our thanks to Stephen Maxwell who kindly provided these images of a Buzzard(bottom) and a pair of Red Kites,

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