
Bird News Wednesday 15th February

There was no sign of the Snowy Owl at Altikeeragh today. A Red Grouse was in the area. (Conor Foley)
The Bonapartes Gull was at Ballygalley in front of the Hotel (Irish Birding)
The blue phase Snow Goose was still at Gortatole, Lough Macnean, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson)
The 4 Russian White-fronted Geese were with 300 Greylag in the fields north of Greyabbey. A Little Egret was at the Floodgates and 3,500 Golden Plover at the Maltings. The second winter Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport (George Gordon).
Dark-bellied Brent (centre), Church Bay, Larne - Cameron Moore
Blackcap - Cameron Moore

Coal Tit - Stephen Maxwell

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