
Bird News Tuesday 14th February

Around Lough Foyle an adult Ring-billed Gull was at Donnybrewer, 3 Iceland gulls, 1 1st winter Mediterranean Gull, 4 Snow Bunting, 6 Little Egret, 2 Merlin, 4 Barnacle Geese.
There was no sign of the Snowy owl at Altikeeragh in the last hour of light. (Brad Robson, Matthew Tickner and Gareth Bareham)
The Snowy Owl was also not seen between 8 and 11am this morning but Red Grouse, Golden Plover and Raven were all seen, (C Stewart).
2 Iceland Gulls were on the River Lagan at Ormeau Park (W Farrelly)
At least 100 Redwing were at Queens University playing fields at Upper Malone before being disturbed. (Des Price).
An adult Iceland Gull was feeding with Black Headed Gulls on the River Bann at Killowen in Coleraine this afternoon. (Clive Mellon).
There were 290 Whoopers at New Ferry, Lough Beg.(Chris Murphy)
Corbally Reservoir near Portrush had 19 Iceland Gulls; 4 adult, 1 3rd winter, 8 2nd winter, 6 1st winter; 5 Glaucous Gull: 1 2nd winter and 4 1st winter; 1 adult leucistic Herring Gull. Also 2 rock pipits and, nearby, 150 Whoopers. (Tim & Chris Murphy)
Yesterday a possible juvenile/1st winter Thayer's Gull was at Corbally and a Black-throated Diver off Portrush (Tim Murphy

Many thanks to Iris Millar for the pic of the Snow Buntings at Magilligan.

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