
Bird News Saturday 11th February

The Snowy Owl was showing this morning at Altikeeragh, near Castlerock (Neal Warnock, Richard Donaghy). Also 3 Red Grouse in the area (Richard Donaghey).

The Bonapartes Gull was at Halfway House Hotel at 13.30 along with 2 Red-throated & 2 Great Northern Divers.The Bonapartes Gull returned to the slipway at Ballygally 16.00. (Pauline Majury)

The four probable Russian Whitefronts were at Annes Point, Co. Down. It is likely that this is a family party (thanks to Paul Kelly for comments). (Wilton Farrelly)
28 Slavonian Grebes and a drake Velvet Scoter were at Myroe (Neal Warnock)
An adult Iceland Gull was at Portavogie (Keith Benett)
The Short-eared Owl was Ballyquinton Point (Keith Bennett)
22 Slavonian Grebe were between Gransha Point and Greyabbey (19 in Greyabbey Bay, 3 at Horse Island). A Merlin was also at Horse Island (Richard Weyl)
Corbally Resevoir had 6 Iceland Gull and 1 Glaucous. The adult Ring-billed Gull was at East Strand car park Portrush. (Neal Warnock)
At Enniskillen Dump, there were 8 Iceland Gulls inc 3-4 adults. (Birdguides)
2 Kumlien's, 6 Iceland and 3 Glaucous Gulls and the Black Redstart were at Ardglass. A Sandwich Tern was at Strangford Lough, off Castleward (Chris & Tim Murphy)

A male Goosander was along the river at Waterfoot (Iris Miller)
A first year Glaucous Gull was at
9 Greenland Whitefronts were at Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh. (Ed O'Hara)
Two Iceland Gulls opposite the entrance to Ormeau Park, Belfast (Irish Birding)
Probable Russian whitefronts, 6th Feb - Richard Weyl
Long-tailed Tit - Stephen Maxwell

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