
An unusual Falcon at Annes Point, Co. Down

The falcon below was seen this morning for a few minutes, just south of Annes Point, Co. Down. It is very large (it is bigger than the Hooded Crows!) and was orignally harassed by two Peregrines which were much smaller than it. Hoping that it was going to be a Gyr, the bird did however seem too dark but thankfully landed in a tree. The bird does not have a yellow cere indiciating that it is probably a first winter. It did however have a yellow eyering, yellow feet and a very pale crown. There was no sign of any jesses. The 'brown' appearance did make it seem closer to a Saker in appearance than a Gyr! However feedback would be welcome.

Update: Many thanks to all for feedback on this bird. A week after this sighting, Ray Bennet met someone at the Gasworks who was looking for a missing 'Saker'! This bird would however seem not to be a pure Saker.

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