
Bird News for Friday 16th March.

Mediterranean Gull coming into 2nd summer plumage and Sandwich Tern at Killyleagh Harbour today.(D.Nixon)

Spring has definitely arrived, either a Willow Warbler or Chiffchaff (not heard singing) was at Throne Wood near Abbey Centre in Belfast (Dot Blakely).

The second-winter Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport.
On Lough Foyle today was a Green winged Teal at BallyKelly, 4 Slavonian Grebe, 4 Iceland Gulls 3 Barnacle Geese 3 Pink feet, 170 Pintail and 2 Little Egret (Brad Robson / Matthew Tickner)

The adult Kumliens Gull was again off Glynn Railway Station. The 2nd-winter Iceland Gull was still at McConnell's Weir (Birdguides)

Yesterday a Willow Warbler was in song along Seven Mile Straight to Antrim (S. Elliott).

Thanks to Tom McCreery for this picture of a Dipper:

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