
Bird News for Saturday 17th March

A Tundra Bean Goose was still at Reedy Flats on the south shore of Lough Neagh and a Mealy Redpoll was at Oxford Island. (Bird Guides).

An adult Kumliens Gull, a 1st winter Glaucous Gull and 7 Mediterranean Gull, 5 adult, a 2nd year and a 1st year, were off Glynn station in Larne Lough. (Neil Warnock/Joe Lamont).

Along the north coast 100 adult Gannets were seen on a fishing trip between Inishtrahull in Donegal and Portrush. (David Clarke, John Pyper).

8 Snow Buntings flew west over Cave Hill in Belfast. (Larry Toal).

2 Little Egret and a Sandwich Tern were at Ballymacormick Point near Groomsport. (Richard Grey). 4 adult Gannet and 3 Red-throated Diver were off Groomsport.

2 male Smew, a female Goosander and a Ruff were at Lough Swilly. (Brad Robson).

Two singing Chiffchaff were in Daisy Hill wood this morning (Frank Carroll)

6 Buzzards were together over Swallow Close, Comber this afternoon. (Chris Shaw).

2 Buzzard were at Dundonald, another Buzzard was near Castleward, see pictures below. (Stephen Maxwell)

The 4 Russian Whitefronts were still at Annes Point. 2 Slavonian Grebe were at Chapel Island and another 6 at Greyabbey Bay. A group of 5 Black-throated Diver were south of Gransha Point. (Richard Weyl)

Many thanks to Alistair Prentice, Stephen Maxwell and Tom McCreery for todays pictures:
Buzzards - Stephen Maxwell

Buzzards - Stephen Maxwell
Blackbird - Tom McCreery

Redshank - Alistair Prentice

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