
Bird News for Sunday 18th March

4 Iceland Gull (2 ad,2nd winter and a 1st winter) were at Runkerry Point. An ad Iceland Gull was at Strand Rd jetty, Coleraine. 3 Iceland Gull and a 1st winter Med Gull at Bann estuary. 10 Iceland Gull and a Glaucous Gull at Corbally reserve.5 Snow Bunting and a 1st winter Iceland Gull were in a stubble near entrance to Giant's Causeway.(N.Warnock)

One of the Tundra Bean Geese was still at Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh along with 2 Pink -footed Geese and 3 Pink -footed Geese were with 30 Whooper Swan just north of Portmore Lough.(G.Armstrong)

At Ballyquintin Point the Short-eared Owl roosting in its usual spot and a Merlin. The 4 Russian whitefronts still at Annes Point.(R.Weyl)

A female Marsh Harrier was seen in flight over Portadown (Denis Doherty)

At Larne Lough a first-winter Glaucous Gull, 3 Mediterranean Gull (2 adult and a first-year), a Greenshank and a Little Egret were off Glynn. 2 Dippers were along the river there. On the Antrim side of Belfast Lough 3 Long-tailed Duck and 5 Red-throated Diver were at Greenisland Sea Park. 3 Buzzard, a Kestrel and a Red Grouse were at Capanagh on the Antrim Plateau (Shirley Dunlop, Gerard McGeehan).

On the Down side of Belfast Lough a male Wheatear was at Briggs Rocks and 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls in flight at Orlock Point (Colin Guy).

An Iceland Gull was still at McConnell's weir in Belfast.(P.West)

A Sparrowhawk was along High Street in Belfast (Ricky McQuillan).

5 Golden Plover and 2 Kestrel were at Llendrum Wind farm,nr Fivemiletown Co Tyrone this afternoon. (C.Bell)

Our thanks to Alistair Prentice who sent in these lovely image of a Grey Wagtail (top)and to Andrew Poots who sent in the photo of the Yellowhammer, our thanks also to B.Guiller for the bottom photo of a Buzzard.

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