
Bird News for Friday 23rd March

A Cattle Egret was on the main pool at Castle Espie this morning, could be the same bird that has been roosting over the winter at Hillsborough Lake.

The Richard's Pipit was showing very well on the beach at Killard . 2nd winter Iceland & 1st winter Kumlien's gull both at Ardglass. (C.Sharpe )

At Larne Lough 2 adult Mediterranean Gull, an adult Iceland, Little Egret, Greenshank and Sparrowhawk were at Glynn (Joe Lamont)

A 1st summer Med.Gull was at Kilclief Co.Down(D.Nixon)

3 House Martin were seen at Ballygawley Co.Tyrone (E.O'Hara)

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