
Bird News Saturday 24th March

4 adult Mediterranean Gull, 100 Golden Plover, a Sandwich Tern and Bar Tailed Godwits were at Kilclief in south Down. (Robert Scott).

Around Strangford Lough a Chiffchaff was singing at Ballyherly Lough, a Wheatear was at Burr Point and a leucistic Common Gull was at Ganaway Bay. (Richard Weyl).

A Willow Warbler and 2 Chiffchaffs were singing at Oxford Island this afternoon. (Ron Price).

60 Tree Sparrows were visiting a garden in Richhill, see photograph below. (Andrew Poots).

A Little Egret was beside Castle Espie WWT. (Jim McKeown).

3 Chiffchaffs were at Quay Lane, west of the quarry, in Whitehead. (Ian Enlander).

40 Whooper Swans flew north over Ramore Head, Portrush, 10+ Eider were on the sea off the head, a Buzzard was at Portstewart and a Kestrel at Portaneevy. (Stephen Maxwell).

Yesterday 5 Whooper were with up to 400 Mute Swans in fields be Inch Lake in Donegal. (Robin Cunningham).

Thanks to today's photographers Robin Cunningham, Andrew Poots, Stephen Maxwell, Bert Montgomery and David McCool.

Whoopers - Robin Cunningham

Whoopers - Robin Cunningham

Tree Sparrow - Andrew Poots

Kestrel - Stephen Maxwell

Fulmar - Stephen Maxwell

Little Egret - Bert Montgomery

Brent - David McCool

Oystercatcher - David McCool

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