
Bird News Saturday 3rd March

Late news for yesterday: 3 small skeins of Whitefronts were in flight over Myroe. One of them of 12 birds had a white Snow Goose (Hill Dick and Peter Robinson)
The white morph Snow Goose was with 250 Greylag on the seaward side of the Roe estuary, 250 Bar Tailed Godwit were also present. 300 Pale Bellied Brent and 10 Twite were at Myroe Levels. (Charles Stewart).
Also from yesterday, a presumed Rough-legged Buzzard was in a field on the Rossglass Road, circa 1.5miles west of Killough, Co. Down yesterday 2nd March at about 4.00pm. (Norman Dunlop)
The Bonaparte's Gull was still at Ballygalley (Paul Scott)
The adult Kumlien's Gull was again at Glynn Railway Station. Also a 2nd-winter Iceland Gull there. A 2nd summer Mediterranean Gull was also at Glynn Lagoon.(Neal Warnock)
6 Black Throated Diver were south of Gransha Point. (Richard Weyl).
5 Buzzard were at Dundonald and 3 more Buzzard were at Greyabbey. (Stephen Maxwell).
The Red Crested Pochard is still present at Oxford Island. (Bird Guides)

A small Canada Goose (probably a Ricardsons Canada Goose) and a Greenland Whitefront was with a large flock of Barnacle Geese near Malin town at Inishowen in Co. Donegal this afternoon, see pictures below. (Christine Cassidy)

2 Iceland Gulls, a 2nd year and a 3rd year, were on the River Foyle at Derry near the Council Offices and the Sainsbury's supermarket. (Dermot Hughes).
The probable 1st winter Grey Bellied Brent Goose was still with Pale Bellied Brent in Killough Harbour. (Bird Guides)

Thanks to Charles Stewart, Stephen Maxwell and Christine Cassidy for today's pictures.

Canada and Barnacle Geese - Christine Cassidy

Greenland White Front & Barnacle Geese - Christine Cassidy 

Myroe - Charles Stewart

Buzzards - Stephen Maxwell

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