
Bird News Sunday 4th March

The Tundra Bean Goose was with 2 Pink Feet, 31 White Fronts and approximately 100 Greylag at Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh, 2 Little Egret were also seen. 3 Pink Feet were with Greylags in fields along Diamond Lane near Portmore RSPB reserve. (Philip West)
A Green-winged Teal was at Mullagh, Lough Beg. The Beg itself had 1,000 Teal and 600 Whooper Swan. 4 Ruff, 15 Pintail and 800 Golden Plover were at Church Island (David Steele).
A male Crossbill was at Monea in Fermanagh (Brad Robson).
The flock of 40 Snow Bunting was still at the old landfill site along Hightown Road above Glengormley (Larry Toal)
The 4 Russian Whitefronts were still at Annes Point, the female type Black Redstart was still at the farm buildings at Knockinelder Bay and a Short-Eared Owl was at Ballyquintin Point. (Richard Weyl).
The 1w goose, possibly a Grey-bellied Brent, was still frequenting Killough Harbour, with 465 Pale-bellied. Also in the bay a Gadwall (rare there!). (Chris Murphy)
An escaped bird of prey with jesses and a bell was seen in a garden in Moneymore, Co. Derry. (L Lawrence).

If you have any bird news, please report to:
Shelduck - Stephen Maxwell

Great-creasted Grebes, Oxford Island - Cecil Smith

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