
Bird News Friday 6th April

At Ballyquintin this morning the Short-eared Owl was still present along with 2 Whimbrel (Keith Bennett)
1st w Iceland Gulls were at Myroe and the Bann estuary. A 1st w Kumlien's and 6 Iceland Gull were at Corbally Resevoir. 3 Manx and a Sandwich Tern were off Ramore Head and the ad Ring-billed Gull, East Strand car park Portrush. A Puffin was on the sea off Portballintrae (Neal Warnock)
An Iceland Gull was at Larne Lough off Larne Boat Club, 2 Sandwich Tern & 64 Black-tailed Godwit at Glynn & a Purple Sandpiper at Sandy Bay this afternoon. (Adam McClure)

A walk around Portstewart cliffs, then to Portstewart Strand had a Peregrine, 8 Black Guillemot a Willow Warbler, a Chiffchaff and at Portrush East Strand a Sandwich Tern (Chris Harper)
A Black-throated Diver was in Greyabbey Bay South (David McCormick)

A male Crossbill was at Killylane Reservoir and 22 Golden Plover were seen in flight there (Jeff Larkin)

The 3rd w Iceland Gull was still at Newcastle outfall. (Birdguides)

Thanks to Alistair Prentice for the pics below:

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