
Bird News Saturday 7th April

An American Wigeon is at Portmore Lough RSPB. It is on the grass and pools to The right from viewing the platform with Eurasian Wigeon. It is a male, prob subadult. (Keith Bennett)

Church Island at Lough Beg (Derry) had 20 Fieldfare, 1 female Merlin, 6 Pintail. Portmore RSPB had 1 Kingfisher (in front of hide) and 1 Swallow. (Keith Bennett)

9 Sandwich Tern were at Whitehead this morning (Ian Enlander)
There were 6 Sand Martins 2 miles from Moneyslane heading towards Dromara at the quarry on the right of the road (Mark Elliott)
A Great Skua and 30 Manx Shearwater were at Burial Island, Co Down (Richard Weyl)
A Wheatear was at the Coastguard Building near Killough, and 2 Sandwich Terns were just outside Killough Harbour this morning (Ron Price)
A Woodcock was in flight at Craigantlet crossroads, Co Down tonight at dusk.
A Black-throated, 6 Red-throated, a Great Northern and 30 Manx Shearwater were at Briggs Rocks near Groomsport (Colin Guy).
At Oxford Island this morning were Blackcap,4+ singing males; Willow Warbler, 3 singing males and Chiffchaff, 2 singing males (Ed O'Hara)
Black Guillemot - Zach McCreery

Wren - Zach McCreery

Possible Grey-bellied Brent, Killough - Stewart McKee

Black Swan, Inch Co. Donegal - Martina Boyle

Blackcap - Ed O'Hara

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