
Bird News Monday 23rd April

In Fermanagh 44 White Wagtail, 3 Whimbrel and a Turnstone were at Lower Lough Erne Islands RSPB Reserve. 2 Sandwich Tern were back at the colony (Brad Robson).

2 Iceland Gull (adult and second-year) were at Killough Harbour (Tim Murphy).

150 Pale-bellied Brent were in flight at Briggs Rocks. The second-summer Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport and 2 Whimbrel at Ballymacormick Lagoon (Colin Guy).

A walk between Scarva and Lough Shark produced 11 Blackcap, 5 Chiffchaff, 36 Willow Warbler, 15 Swallow, 9 House Martin, 7 Grey Heron and a Long-tailed Tit.
40 Swallow/House Martin were over Lough Shark (Fulton Somerville).

A Whimbrel flew east over Craigavad, Co. Down this evening. (Richard Woods).

Thanks to Craig Nash, Alistair Prentice, Stephen Maxwell and Jim McKeown for today's selection of pictures. You can see more of Alistair's pictures on his Flicker page at

Turnstone - Craig Nash

Kingfisher - Alistair Prentice

Kingfisher - Alistair Prentice

Kingfisher - Alistair Prentice

Redpoll - Stephen Maxwell

Starling - Jim McKeown

House Sparrow - Jim McKeown

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