
Bird News Tuesday 24th April

The 1st winter Kumliens Gull was still at Ardglass (Stuart McKee)

The adult Little Gull, 300 Black-headed Gulls, 6 Common Tern and a Grasshopper Warbler were at the Quoile (Stuart McKee \ Craig Nash)

A male Wheatear, Barn Owl and Cuckoo were at Ballymacormick Point (Julian Greenwood).
 173 Golden Plover in summer plumage were at the lagoon there and the second-summer Ring-billed Gull was on the beach opposite Cockle Island (George Gordon).

 A Cuckoo was at Castleward (Rose Muir). 9 Whimbrel were at Kinnegar shore (Joe Lamont). The first-summer Mediterranean Gull at Belfast Harbour Lagoon at the weekend (green ring on the leg 32LL) was ringed as a chick near Antwerp in Belgium on 16th June 2011. This was the first sighting since then (Declan Clarke). Another Grasshopper Warbler was at Monea, Co. Fermanagh (Brad Robson)
The Ring-billed Gull was still at Groomsport (Birdguides)

Many thanks to everyone who has reported Swallows. They have now arrived in large numbers. However records of Cuckoo this spring are to date very scarce.
Many thanks to all who send in pictures. We do our best to publish as many as we can!

Blackcap - Christine Cassidy
Dipper - Christine Cassidy
Lesser-black backed Gull - Tom McCreery
Mink - Alistair Prentice

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