
Bird News Wednesday 25th April

There are reports of a large raptor seen in the Fair Head/ Ballycastle area since 21st April. It was last reported soaring above the Carrickmore Road on the 23rd (news via RSPB antrim group). This is possibly the Rathlin Golden Eagle and so worth a look for anyone in the area. (Neal Warnock)

This morning between Portrush and Portstewart on the coastal path were a pair of Wheatear,4 Whimbrel,a Curlew,a pair of Ring Plover on a known nesting spot calling to one another. Also two different pairs of Rock Pipit also guarding nest sights. A single Raven was at Ballyreagh Golf course. Several pairs of Eider and one pair of Shelduck were also present. (Jeff McIntyre).

A Cuckoo was at Ardglass. (Stephen Corr).

The second-summer Ring-billed Gull, 5 Gannet and a Red-throated Diver were at Groomsport.

A Little Egret was at Whitehouse Lagoon in Belfast. (Irish Birding).

5 Whimbrel were at St John's Point, Co. Down. (Irish Birding).

Yesterday around the large lake at Loughgall Country Park were a pair of Bullfinch, a Goldcrest and 3 Long Tailed Tits. (Trevor Simpson).

Thanks to Christine Cassidy, Alistair Prentice and Jim McKeown for today's pictures.

Dipper - Christine Cassidy

Pied Wagtail - Christine Cassidy

Starlings - Alistair Prentice

Mute Swans - Jim McKeown

Woodpigeon - Jim McKeown

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