
Bird News for Saturday 5th May

Two singing Reed Warbler at Lough Cowey and another 2 at the south end of Ballyherly Lough. At Ballyquintin Point 2 Short-eared Owls, 8 Wheatear, 55 Whimbrel and 17 Red-throated Diver. At Portavogie 3 Wheatear and 20 Whimbrel. At Burial Island a Great-northern Diver and 2 Red-throated Diver.(R.Weyl)

At least 3 Cuckoos at Murlough, (2 males 1 female), 4 Whitethroats and 4 Wheatear and a Sparrowhawk(J.Starbuck)

4 Sedge Warbler at the Bann Estuary and a further 1 along the Ballywoolen Road, Castlerock (Richard Donaghey)

Two Red Kite at Corbet Lough, Banbridge this afternoon.(D.McCready)
Juv Iceland Gull at Ardglass (Birdguides)
.A Whinchat was on the Antrim Plateau (Iris Millar)

Our thanks to Ed,Mark,Tom,Alistair and Stephen for to-days photographs. 

Sedge Warbler-E.Ohara

Cuckoo-Mark Killops

Sandwich Tern-Stephen Maxwell
juv. Long-tailed Tit-Tom McCreery.
Young Stonechat-Alistair Prentice

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