
Bird News Sunday 6th May

A female Dotterel was at Myroe Levels, it was present until at least 6.30p.m. when it was at the south west end of Myroe with 200 Golden Plover. (Bird Guides)

Dotterel (centre bird, with Golden Plover) - Myroe
Oxford Island between 6.00 and 8.30a.m. had 5 White Wagtail, 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 Grasshopper Warrbler, 7 Whimbrel and 6 Sedge Warbler. (Ed O'Hara).

3 Swifts were at Cloughfern. (Jim McKeown).

2 Cuckoo and a Grasshopper Warbler were at Armaghbrague Fews Forest, Co. Armagh. (Joe Devlin).

A singing Reed Warbler was at Tullyratty Dam. A Whooper Swan and a Little Egret were at Strand Lough and a Scaup was at the Quoile. (Richard Wyle).

At Ballyquintin Point were 2 Short Eared Owl, 35 Tree Sparrow, 30+ Shelduck, 40+ Swallow, a House Martin, a Yellowhammer, 2 Common Tern and 2 Cormorant. (David McCormick).

3 Common Sandpiper and a Buzzard were at Corbet Lough outside Bannbridge. (David McCready).

A Cuckoo, 3 Wheatear, a Kestrel and a Jay were at Llendrum Wind Farm near Fivemiletown this afternoon. (Colin Bell).

A Short-eared Owl was at the Groomsport end of Ballymacormick Point (Dot Blakely).

On the Antrim side of Belfast Lough 5 Long-tailed Duck were at Greenisland Sea Park (Gerard McGeehan).

A first-year Iceland Gull was at Corbally Dam near Portrush (Colin Guy).

Yesterday a second-year Iceland Gull was in flight between the harbour and the castle at Dunseverick and 25 Whimbrel were at Ballintoy (Colin Guy).

In south Down 30 Pale-bellied Brent were still at Newcastle (David Gillespie).

In Donegal an Osprey was at the lake at Glenveagh before flying off west. (Brad Robson).

3 Grasshopper Warbler, a Redpoll and a Stonechat were at Slievenacloy Nature Reserve. (Mark Elliott).

Thanks to Mark Elliott, Mark Killops, Alistair Prentice, Ed O'Hara, Christine Cassidy and David McCormick for today's pictures.

Redpoll - Mark Elliott

Stonechat - Mark Elliott

Common Tern - Mark Killops

Willow Warbler - Alistair Prentice

Common Tern - Alistair Prentice

White Wagtail - Ed O'Hara

Common Sandpipers - Ed O'Hara

Grey Wagtail - Christine Cassidy

Dipper - Christine Cassidy

Cormorant - David McCormick

Willow Warbler - Christine Cassidy

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