
Bird News for Wednesday 9th May.

An Osprey was at the Quoile pondage this afternoon,a Whitethroat,2 Common Sandpipers and 17 Wheatear where at Killard.(C.Nash)

A singing Reed Warbler and three singing Sedge Warblers at Ballyherly Lough, Co Down, this morning.( Ron Price)
On the Antrim Plateau a Cuckoo and Grasshopper Warbler were at Altnahinch. A Grasshopper Warbler and 2 pair of Stonechat were at Altarichard (David Steele).

 In Fermanagh a Spotted Flycatcher, 74 Whimbrel and a White Wagtail were at Lower Lough Erne Islands RSPB Reserve (Brad Robson).
 Yesterday 50/60 Whimbrel were at Rossglass in south Down (Graham McElwaine).
Our thanks to Comghal for to-days photograph.
Grasshopper Warbler-Comghal McQuillan.

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