
Bird News Tuesday 8th May

3 Common Tern, 2 Swallow and a Great Crested Grebe were at Malone Golf Club this morning. (Stephanie Hanna).

11 Whimbrel were at Killard this morning, 17 Brent Geese were in Mill Quarter Bay. (Ron Price).

Yesterday in Donegal a Corncrake, Merlin and summer plumage Sanderling were on Tory. A Great Skua and 10 summer plumage Great Northern Divers were seen from the ferry on the way over (Garry Wilkinson).

2 Swift were at the Loughan, Coleraine this evening at 9.00p.m. (Richard Donaghey).

A Purple Sandpiper, a Red Throated Diver and 6 Sandwich Tern were at the Barmouth today. (Robert Scott).

Thanks to Tom McCreery for this beautiful picture of a Swallow taken at Oxford Island. Check out the rest of today's NI bird pictures at

Swallow - Tom McCreery

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