
Bird News for Sunday 5th August

The two Little Gulls were at RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve (Chris Surgenor, Jeff Larkin, Stephen Maxwell)
A Great Spotted Woodpecker was in the grounds of Rockport School in north Down (George Vance)
Along the Tyrone shore of Lough Neagh a Reed Warbler was at Blackers Rock. Up to 4 are holding territory there (Godfrey McRoberts).

In south Down a Ruff, Kingfisher, Common Sandpiper and 3 Whimbrel were at Dundrum Inner Bay South. At Dundrum Inner Bay North 3 Common Sandpiper, 14 Greenshank, 8 Little Egret, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Dunlin, a Buzzard, 2 Raven, 4 Yellowhammer and a Kingfisher were at the Blackstaff (Shirley Dunlop, Gerard McGeehan).

The second-summer Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport.
A mixed flock of 500-600 Hirundines were on wires between Boa Island & Lusty Beg Island with another 200-300 feeding over Lusty Beg this morning (Adam McClure)

An Osprey was at Ballysadare, Co Sligo this afternoon. (Sligo Birding)

Many thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the pic of the Little Gull (left hand bird) and the Common Sandpiper. You can see more pictures at

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