
Bird News Monday 6th August

A flock of 34 Crossbill was feeding on larch at the east side of Tollymore Forest Park (Ann McComb).    

200 Sandwich Tern were at Magilligan Point.     

Yesterday a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew across the road at Shaw's Bridge in Belfast (Mr Henderson).    

Along the north coast the second-summer Glaucous Gull was at Ballintoy harbour (Colin Guy).

In north Donegal 2 Mediterranean Gulls and 8 Black-tailed Godwits were on the estuary at Carrigart. At Melmore Head were 2  Manx Shearwater, a Storm Petrel, 2 Arctic Skua, 6 Great Skua, 1 Puffin, 25 Knot and a group of Bottle Nosed Dolphin. (Oscar Campbell).
Thanks to Tom McCreery for these excellent Reed Warbler pictures and to Mark Killops for the superb Kingfisher shot.

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