
Bird News Friday 31st August

Late news from yesterday, the Long-eared Owl was still hunting Coney Island shore of Killough Harbour from 19:30. Also in Killough were 1 Ruff, 139 Curlew, 11 Greenshank, 3 Black-t Godwit, 3 LittleEgret (Tim and Chris Murphy). 23 Greenshank were at Ardilea (Tim Murphy).   

Also yesterday evening at Glynn in Larne Lough were 106 Red-breasted Merganser, 6 Greenshank, 7 Little Egret, 92 Oystercatcher, 71 Curlew, 159 Redshank and 4 Sandwich Tern (including a colour ringed juvenile). (Adam McClure).      

A female Sparrowhawk was at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve. (Stephen Maxwell).

2 Wheatear were at Islandreagh on Strangford Lough today. (Chris Henry).

Two Chiffchaffs were in Kelly's Wood early evening and two white wags in Killough (Tim Murphy)

Thanks to Alistair Prentice for this pic of a young Willow Warbler. You can see more pictures at

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