
Bird News Saturday 1st September

A juvenile Buff-breasted Sandpiper was at Myroe Levels today.

A juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper is at the Bann Estuary.

At Belfast Harbour this afternoon there were several small flocks of Dunlin and Ringed Plover, 2 Ruff and a Sanderling. (Adam McClure / Tephen Maxwell)

There were c.600 Black-tailed Godwit and 10 Bar-tailed Godwit at Whitehouse Lagoon (Adam McClure)

A single Great Skua was seen from Ballyhalbert this morning. A roost of 900 redshank were at the Floodgates plus a single little egret (James Robinson)

At Strangford Lough 10 White Wagtail were at Anne's Point (Richard Weyl).

The second-summer Ring-billed Gull (almost into adult plumage) was still at Groomsport (George Gordon)

2 white wagtail and 2 wheatear were at Coney Island beach. 2 white wagtail by killough harbour, high count of 350 redshanks at Killough high tide roost. Also 3 little egrets,12 greenshank, 2 black-tailed godwits and 6 snipe at killough high tide roost. 1 white wagtail and a family of stonechats at St John's point and 1 puffin flew past heading north in the evening (Tim Murphy)

In Louth, the Forsters Tern was still at Soldiers Point, Dundalk (Gerry O'Neil)

Baltray Bay at the Boyne Estuary had 200 Dunlin, 250 Sanderling, 60 Ringed Plover, 300 Golden Plover, 8 Common Tern, 5 Sandwich Tern, 10 Knot, 7 Little Egret, 200 Bar-tailed Godwit, some Whimbrel with the Curlew on the grass and 20 Pale-bellied Brent. A dark morph Arctic Skua, 30 Kittiwake and a Common Scoter were at Clogher Head (Jim Whitla)

Thanks to Alistair Prentice for this picture of a Meadow Pipit and to Stephen Maxwell for the Ruff. You can see more bird pics at

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