
Bird News for Sunday 2nd September.

Islandhill, Strangford Lough had 2 White Wagtail with 6 Little Egret on the Lough before Mountstewart, a lot of the Brent Geese now seem to be back. An ad Med Gull was in the bay just south of Kearney. Two Whimbrel and a Wheatear were at Ballyquinton Point.(P.West/W.Farrelly)

A Ruff and a Little Gull were at the RSPB Belfast Harbour estate reserve.

12 Ruff were at Mullagh, Lough Beg.(D.Steele)

The Ring billed Gull remains at Groomsport.

2 Chough were at Fair Head. (Ian Enlander)

A Hen Harrier was at the Montiaghs(see above photo) along with 5 Buzzard and 2 Kestrel.(E.O'Hara)
Our thanks to Alistair Prentice for this image of a Turnstone.

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