
Bird News Saturday 11th August.

An adult Yellow-legged Gull was at Reedy Flats and a Little Gull and juvenile Ruff at Ardmore (Irish Birding)

St John's Point 11:30-13:45 had 1 Great Skua, 6 Puffin, 4 Stock Dove, 1 Grey Plover and 1000s Manx shearwater (Keith Bennett)

Two Little Gulls were still at RSPB Belfast (Stephen Maxwell)

3 Chough were at Ushet Lough on Rathlin Island. An immature Great Northern Diver were seen from the ferry on the way back to Ballycastle (Derek Polley).

A Little Egret was at Ballycarry Bridge on Larne Lough (Ricky McQuillan).

Last night 13 Storm Petrel were ringed and one controlled at Sheepland near Ardglass (Declan Clarke).

Yesterday 2 Greenshank were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Stuart McKee).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Dundrum.

Late news for yesterday: Dundrum inner bay: 2 Knot, 30 Greenshank, 45 Black-tailed Godwits, 8 Little Egret.
St John's Point: 2000+ Manx Shearwaters moving north in 2 hours, despite flat calm conditions. One Balearic Shearwater close inshore amongst them at 1715. Also 2 Arctic Tern amongst 100 Common and Sandwich Terns.
Killough Harbour (with Chris Murphy): Mediterranean Gull 1, Golden Plover 15, Snipe 12, Greenshank 6 (all Oscar Campbell)

The 2nd year Glaucous Gull is back at Ballycastle again (Colin Guy).

2 Little Gulls were at Belfast Harbour RSPB Reserve, see picture below. (Stephen Maxwell).

At least 7 Yellowhammer were singing at the Glebe Road, Tandragee. (James O'Neill).

Todays pictures feature one of the Little Gulls at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve by Stephen Maxwell, a close up of one of Oxford Island's camera loving Reed Warblers by Tom McCreery and a nice portrait of a Little Egret by Alan Gallagher. Check out more photographs by NI snappers at

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