
Bird News Friday 10th August

A Golden Eagle was at the start of the Fairhead walk at Marconi's Cottage. (Conor McCarry).        
2 Sooty Shearwater were seen from a sailing ship in Belfast Lough. For anyone interested a pod of 50/60 Bottle-nosed Dolphins were noted between Carrickfergus round to the Gobbins (John Pyper, David Clarke).       

One of the first juvenile Black-tailed Godwits has arrived back from Iceland at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Stuart McKee).

Fifty Storm Petrels were ringed early this morning at Ballyreagh, two controls were caught as well (John Clarke, Rick Hoy)

The juvenile Ruff was still at RSPB Belfast Lough. Also 1 Greenshank, 12 Dunlin, a couple of Common Sandpipers, and a Snipe. (Keith Bennett)

The Little Gull was still present at RSPB Harbour Reserve, Belfast - pictures below (Stephen Maxwell)

The 2nd year Glaucous Gull was back again at Ballycastle. (Colin Guy).

Thanks to Alan Gallagher for the picture of the Chiffchaff and to Stephen Maxwell for the Little Gull pictures.
You can see more pictures from local photographers at

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