
Bird News Thursday 9th August

The Reed Warbler was again on view outside the hide at Oxford Island,  also a Greenshank and 6 Shoveler of the Discovery Centre, another  Reed Warbler was at Ellis's Cut, singing strongly in the reedbed near the mouth of the canal.(O.Campbell)
A juvenile Ruff was at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Stuart McKee).
 At Lough Foyle at least 4 Whimbrel and 600 Curlew were at Balls Point. 350 Sandwich Tern and 80 Dunlin were at Bann Estuary (Ian Enlander).

Later news from yesterday a  Hobby was again at Montaighs Moss, Aghagallon. Also yesterday 2 Ruff and 2 Greenshank were at Bann Estuary and 3 Pale-bellied Brent at the Roe (Hill Dick, Peter Robinson)

Our thanks to Alistair Prentice who kindly sent in this image of a Kingfisher.

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