
Bird News Friday 7th September

At Larne Lough 3 Carrion Crow, 10 Little Egret, 2 Whimbrel, 7 Black-tailed Godwit and a Peregrine were at Ballycarry Bridge (Cameron Moore).         

An adult Mediterranean Gull was still at Whitehouse Lagoon in Belfast. Yesterday 290 Sandwich Tern were at Kinnegar shore (Stuart McKee).     

Two Wheatear were at Craigavon Lakes, see picture below. (Tom McCreery).

A Raven and a Kestrel were at Dunluce and a Wheatear at Ramore Head, see picture below. (Stephen Maxwell).        

Thanks to Tom McCreery for the great Wheatear picture, his grandson Zach for the picture of a young Whitethroat and Stephen Maxwell for the Raven and Sanderling pictures. You can see more pictures from NI birders at


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