
Bird News Saturday 8th September

A Buff-breasted Sandpiper is at Myroe Levels (Keith Bennett)

A Common Rosefinch was ringed at Copeland Bird Observatory this morning and was a bird of the year, see picture below. This is the third Copeland record. At 2pm a Sabine's Gull flew north (Chris Acheson)

34 Storm Petrel (all new birds) were ringed at Sheepland near Ardglass (Declan Clarke)

15 White Wagtail were at Killard (Benderg Bay side) Co Down, this afternoon (Ron Price / Ronnie Milligan).

At Ballyquintin Point were 4 white wagtail, 2 whimbrel and a wheatear (Richard Weyl).

A Red-crested Pochard (female or eclipse male) at Inch Lough, Donegal in front of hide (Brad Robson).

Three Black Tern were at Lough Swill (Chris Ingram).

Two Chough were at Fair Head this afternoon and a Hen Harrier was being mobbed by a Raven. (Helen McCallan).

A Great Skua was on the beach at Murlough around midday, feeding on a dead Oystercatcher. (Brian Nelson).

2 Raven and a Peregrine were at Dunluce and a Sparrowhawk at Myroe. (Stephen Maxwell)

15 White Wagtail and a Sandmartin were at Killard Reserve long beach, 3 Wheatear were also present at Killard. 3 White Wagtail were at the outflow stream just north of Killard. (Ron Price & Ronnie Milligan).

Thanks to Adam Middleton for his picture of the Common Tern and to Ken Perry and Richard Donaghey for the Common Rosefinch pictures.

Ken Perry
Richard Donaghey
Richard Donaghey

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