
Bird News Friday 19th October

12 Snow Bunting were at Kearney (Mike Crossley).       

3 Jay were at Drumcairn Forest and a Swallow at Orritor Street in Cookstown (Tony McCormick).      

Belfast Harbour Lagoon had 200 Golden Plover, 200 Oystercatcher, 2 Knot, 6 Bar-tailed Godwit, 30 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Curlew, 6 Shoveler, 30 Teal, a Greylag, Grey Heron, 6 Goldfinch, a Greenfinch and a Lesser Redpoll (Andy Elliott).             

An adult male Peregrine, carrying a Pigeon and being mobbed by Mapie's and Hooded Crows, crossed the road at the junction of the Lisburn Road and Tate's Avenue in Belfast at lunchtime today. (Christopher Shaw).     

Today at Brigg's Rocks 7 Whooper Swans flew past, yesterday 2,000 Kittiwakes 400 Gannets 9 Wigeon, a Sparrowhawk, a Merlin and 2 Red Throated Divers were recorded. (Colin Guy).    

Thanks to Alistair Prentice for the picture of an immature Gannet, to Zach McCreery for the picture of a Linnet and to Tom McCreery for the picture of the Redpoll.


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