
Bird News Saturday 20th October

Faughanvale, Myroe had 13 Slavonian Grebe, 12 Twite and a Little Egret (Theo Campbell)

A female Hen Harrier was on moorland above Castlerock (McLoughlin).

On Strangford Lough a Merlin was at Holme Bay being mobbed by Skylark (Spencer and Joan Marshall).

A Peregrine Falcon and a leucistic Jackdaw were at Woodside Road, Killeter (Tony McCormick).

The adult Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport and 6 Purple Sandpiper at Briggs Rocks (Derek Polley).

In south Down a Red Kite was at Tyrella and 4 Greenshank, 4 Snipe, 150 Lapwing, 100 Pale-bellied Brent, 2 Little Grebe and 4 Little Egret at Dundrum Inner Bay South (Norma Price)

Four Greenland White-fronts and a Greylag were at a private site in Co Antrim. See the picture below (Nicky Walsh)

A Peregrine Falcon and 9 Whooper Swan were along Ballycairn Road, Coleraine (Lowell Mills).

Strangford Lough (from Monaghan Bank, Kircubbin) had 2 great northern diver, 1 black-throated diver and a scoter (female) flew past. Cloughey
had a Mediterranean gull (adult). Mount Stewart gardens had 30 gadwall on the lake. Kearney also had a Merlin (female (Keith Bennett)

7 Slavonian Grebe were at Greyabbey Bay South and an adult Long-tailed Duck at Big Stone Bay. A Green Sandpiper was at Kircubbin.

A Snow Bunting was at Kearney (Jason Starbuck)

Bay Shore, Derrytrasna had 45 Whooper Swans [ 20+ juveniles ], 1 Greylag Goose and 100+ Goldeneye / Pochard offshore (Ed O'Hara)

A high count of 21 Little Egret were at the Comber Estuary.

Two snipe and huge flocks of Chaffinch were at first light this morning along the River Bann Portadown (Alistair Prentice)

Continuing the run of Jay sightings, a group of at least 5 Jays were in Ormeau Park this morning (Andrew Johnston)

Thanks to Alistair Prentice for this pic of a Wheatear and a Peregrine which was hunting Woodpigeons close to Portadown. Ed OHara kindly sent in the pic of the Whooper and Nicky Walsh sent the Geese pics in. You can see more pics at

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