
Bird News Friday 5th October

The Buff-bellied pipit was seen again today on the seaweed east of Carrickfergus Castle.

Along the Antrim coast the adult-winter Bonaparte's Gull and a Wheatear were at Carnfunnock Bay. 2 Mediterranean Gull (adult and second-winter), 7 Greenshank, 14 Whooper Swan and 18 Bar-tailed Godwit were at Glynn. A Kingfisher was along the river there (Cameron Moore).

14 Whooper Swan were at Portstewart Point and 6 Wheatear, a Raven and 400 Golden Plover between there and Portrush (Lowell Mills).

200 Golden Plover were unusually on Tesco's roof in Antrim! (Mark Smyth)

Briggs Rocks today had 23 Whooper Swans in two flocks and a pale phase Arctic Skua. About 2pm a Lapland Bunting landed on the shoreline and fed for 10 mins before flying off towards Orlock Point (Colin Guy)

A Barnacle Goose was with a flock of Brent Geese at Balls Point, Lough Foyle. 2 Little Egret were at Ballykelly RSPB Nature Reserve. 6 Wheatear were still at Ballykelly, see pictures below. (Christine Cassidy)

For those interested, an Eastern Kingbird, the first for the Western Palearctic, was found today by Hugh Delaney on Inishmore, Galway.

Thanks to Tom McCreery for the picture of a Goldfinch, Noel Austin for the pictures of a Redpoll and a Reed Bunting and Christine Cassidy for the Barnacle Goose and Wheatear pictures.


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