
Bird News Thursday 4th October

A Water Pipit was at Ramore Head and the Glaucous Gull at Ballintoy, Co Antrim.

At Strangford Lough a Wheatear and a Black Guillemot were at the Netwalk in Killyleagh (Spencer and Joan Marshall).   

Last night at 11.10pm a Long-eared Owl was along Gransha Road in Bangor (Billy Miskelly).  

Brigg's Rocks up to lunchtime had 8 Pink-footed Geese, 57 Brent Geese, 2 Whooper Swans, 27 Skylarks, 26 Goldfinches, 2 Redpolls, 6 Red-throated Divers and 1 Peregrine, all flying past. The point itself has a flock of 60 Linnets and 2 Twite. (Colin Guy).         

St John's Point this morning had an adult Little Gull, 60 Skylarks and small numbers of Swallows and House Martins departing. 2 Goldcrests were in Kelly's Wood. Rossglass had 1 White Wagtail on the shore and 3 Jays high off the sea and watched flying far inland. (Chris Murphy).      

A flock of more than 250 Goldfinch were at Copeland Bird Observatory on Tuesday. (Mike Pringle).    

The escaped Ring Necked Parakeet was seen again around Stranmillis yesterday evening, it has been in the area since at least July. (Michael McLaughlin).         

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for today's picture of a Dunlin and a Turnstone.


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