
Bird News Saturday 13th October

A Barnacle Goose was at Portballintrae (Simon Morton)

On the Outer Ards today were 2 Slav Grebe at Greyabbey, 5 Greenshank at Ann's Point and ca 20 gadwall on lake at Mount Stewart (Keith Bennett)

Two Jay were at Castle Island Road, Craigantlet (Stephen Maxwell)

Sea-watching at St John's Point betwenn 8.00 and 9.00 this morning produced 200 Gannets plus several hundred Kittiwakes and other gulls feeding in Dundrum Bay; c.100 Brent Geese, 1 drake Eider and 4 drake Common Scoter all fying south. Visible migration at the Point included c.100 Linnets and 100 Skylarks; 3 Fieldfares; 40 Greenfinches, 8 Goldfinches, 6 Tree Sparrows, 2 Redpolls, 2 Siskins, 2 Reed Buntings, I Crossbill (heard only), 1(male) Bullfinch; 1 Coal Tit and 7 Pied Wagtails. (Chris Murphy).        

At least 24 Snipe were at the mouth of the Moneycarragh River in Dundrum South inner bay this evening. (David Nixon/Ian Jackson).             

15 Whooper Swan were at Island Hill. (Chris Henry).         

Coal Tits are being seen in good numbers around the coast as there seems to be a major influx from the continent.        

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the picture of this Coal Tit, Noel Austin for the picture of the Redpoll, Mark McConnell for the Buzzard picture, Alistair Prentice for the picture of the Bullfinch and Angus Kennedy for the Little Egret picture. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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