
Lough Beg For Life

As part of our awareness raising campaign Lough Beg for Life will shortly be holding an art and photography exhibition. All bird/wildlife/landscape artists and photographers are warmly invited to submit up to 3 framed pieces of work inspired by the beauty of Lough Beg. Non-artists/photographers are equally warmly invited to come along and view the exhibition; it is rare to have an event of this kind devoted solely to one NI location, and what a location! For everyone interested in trying to secure the long term protection of Lough Beg this is an opportunity to show your support and may be treat yourself or someone you know to a nice piece of art for Christmas at the same time. Why not combine the exhibition with some birding at Lough Beg? The exhibition will be in The Inn, 47 Main Street, Castledawson, Co Londonderry from Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th November.      

 There is £100 prize for the best entry in each of 4 categories. For more information go to; or email; or please give me call on 44 843141.    

  Hope to see you there.   
  Chris Murphy

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