
Bird News Friday 16th November

The Buff -bellied Pipit was still at Tyrella, feeding with 4 Meadow Pipits on the tide-line c. 200 m west of stream from 3:45 to 4:00 when flushed by walker.(C.Murphy)

Our thanks to Chris for the picture of the Buff-bellied Pipit.

A Little Egret was at Whitehouse Lagoon this morning.(J.McKeown)
Today at Ballymacormick Point, Bangor, we saw, alongside 7 Herons, 2 Little Egrets. Moving on to Groomsport lagoon there was another Little Egret, 2 Carrion Crow and 3 Reed Bunting.

WWT Castle Espie had a late Swallow over the limestone lake, 2 Twite by wader marsh and a Kingfisher showing well in various locations today

 On the subject of late Swallows, in 1981 one was recorded on the 7th December and I personally remember one on Rathlin Island on the 27th February(don't know if this bird overwintered or was extremely early.) Ian Graham.

A winter flock of winter thrushes at Barnish Road nr. Tardree contained 136 Fieldfare and 12 Redwing.(B.Campbell/R.Bennett)
Late news for yesterday.
At Caledon, Co.Armagh. A Pink-footed Goose was with Greylag and Whooper - see pic below (Joe Shannon)
A Snow Bunting was at Runkerry Head, 1 Swallow flying in from sea at Dunserverick (could some of these sightings be Barn Swallows post USA Hurricane Sandy!) a Great Northern Diver at Ballintoy and the Glaucous Gull still at Ballycastle - photo below (Colin Guy)

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