
Bird News Thursday 15th November

The Buff-bellied Pipit was at Tyrella from 3:30 to 4:00 when it departed with other pipits, possibly to roost. (Chris Murphy).

50 Waxwings were at Strahack, Inch Island, Co Donega.l (Boyd Bryce).

An unidentified warbler (sp unconfirmed, but suspected Chiffchaff) was in the ECOS center in Ballymena today. The bird was among a group of common passerines in the trees bordering the ECOS walkway bridge. (John McKillop).

A Little Egret was at the RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve. (Jim McKeown).

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen this morning in a garden of a house at Old Church Lane, Aghalee, Co Antrim. (Shaun Cleland).

30 Waxwing stopped briefly along Windmill Road at Aghnaleck near Hillsborough before flying off south (Garry Wilkinson).    

10 Waxwing and a female Brambling spent 15 minutes in a garden in Dunmurry (Chris Acheson).    

2 male Long-tailed Duck were off Carrickfergus and 5 Whooper Swan were also seen (Gerard McGeehan).    

40 Fieldfare flew west at Strandtown Primary School in East Belfast and 40 Curlew were feeding there (David Clarke).   

A Black-throated Diver and Carrion Crow were at Groomsport (George Gordon).      

A Barn Owl was hunting over a stubble field 4 miles from Armagh.

If you have any bird news, please report to us at

Thanks to Cecil Smyth for todays pictures of a Fieldfare and a Redwing, and to Stephen Maxwell for the pictures of the Brent Geese and the Turnstones.


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