
Bird News Wednesday 14th November

The Buff-bellied Pipit has been seen again at Tyrella this morning (see previous post). It was showing between Ballykinlar and Tyrella at 'Corbetts Beach'.

7 Waxwing were this morning at Strahack, Inch Island, Co Donegal. (Boyd Bryce).      

The female Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen near Limavady again today, see pictures below. (Chris Colhoun).          

Between 07.45 and 08.15 this morning at Whitehead 41 Red-throated Divers and 3 Great Northern Divers flew into Belfast Lough. (Ian Enlander).        

A late Swallow was at Sandy Bay, Larne this afternoon. (Adam McClure).       

A Gyr Falcon was on the Gateside Road outside Coleraine today, probably the same bird from around the coast a few weeks ago, see picture below. (John Clarke).         

At Island Magee the male Long-tailed Duck and 3 Common Scoter were at Mill Bay (Cameron Moore).       

2 Whooper Swan were in a field 2 miles from Donaghadee on the high road to Bangor (Francis Duffin).        

As well as the Buff-bellied Pipit up to 500 Sanderling were seen in flight and a Red Kite was at Tyrella (Garry Wilkinson, George Gordon).   

An overnight roost of seafowl off Blanket Nook, Lough Swilly included: 60 Red-throated Divers, 30 Great Northern Divers, 301 Great Crested Grebes, 9 Slavonian Grebres, 139 Red-breasted Mergansers, c. 100 Common Scoter, 32 Black Guillemots, 4 Little Grebe, 1 Goldeneye. Elsewhere at Blanket Nook: 3 Scaup, 2 PintaiI, 39 Little Grebe, 1 Peregrine, 6 Yellowhammer, 2 Water Rail and an Ottter. Inch Levels had 40 Pinkfeet, 1 Barnacle, 1 Brent among c. 1,000 Greylags and 1,000 Whoopers. Inch Lake had 1 Green-winged Teal, 68 Little Grebe and 1Slavonian Grebe. 12 Waxwing were by the River Faughan at Drumahoe, Co L'derry (Chris and Tim Murphy, Mark Wotham).

Our thanks to todays photographers, Chris Colhoun for the female Great Spotted Woodpecker, Ed O'Hara for another picture of one of the Snow Buntings from Ballintoy, John Clarke for the Gyr Falcon at Coleraine and Stephen Maxwell for the Red-breasted Merganser from Belfast Lough. You can see more NI bird pictures at

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