
Bird News Monday 21st January

A flock of around 20-25 Waxwings were feeding on hawthorns beside the Citybound slip road of the M2 from the international airport (Chris Shaw)

The two drake Smew were at Inch, Co Donegal (David Hill)

The 2nd winter Iceland Gull was at McConnells Weir on the River Lagan, Belfast (W Farrelly)

5 Waxwing were at Sainsbury's in Carrickfergus and 6 Long-tailed Duck at Greenisland Sea Park (Gerard McGeehan)

6 Waxwing were at Sandyknowes Crescent in Glengormley (Mark Smyth)

500 Chaffinches in first stubble field immediately n.of KIllough village on Killough Road. Among them a few Skylarks, Tree Sparrows, Yellowhammers, Reed Buntings and Linnets. Also 10 Raven and 2 Buzzard. In Killough Harbour were 1 Great Northern Diver, 111 Brent Geese (only 5 juvs.), 88 Teal, 62 Wigeon, 1 Shoveler, c.100 Dunlin (including one in summer plumage!) - (Chris Murphy)

Late news from yesterday was of 3 Waxwings visiting a garden in Magherafelt. (Kevin Beattie).

Thanks to David Hill for the pics of the Smew below.

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