
Bird News Sunday 20th January

14 Waxwings were feeding on ground cover cotoneaster in Ardarawood, Comber. Along the Comber Greenway, there was a sizeable flock of some 50 - 60 Waxwings (Chris Shaw)

The Green-winged Teal was still at Barr Hall, near Ballyquinton Point, Co Down.

A female Brambling was visiting a garden at Gilnahirk, Belfast, this morning (Ron Price)

10 Waxwing were at Strandmillis YMCA this afternoon

5 Twite and a GN Diver were at Mill Bay Islandmagee.(I.Enlander)

A Waxwing and a Brambling were beside the car park at the Portmore Lough RSPB reserve.(G.Armstrong)

At least 2 Slavonian Grebe were at Whiterock in Strangford Lough (Simon Morton).

A flock of 200 finches was at Flatfield along the River Lagan. A Goldfinch and 2/3 Linnet were amongst them but the rest appeared to be Twite (Vernon Carter).

2 Twite were at Brown's Bay on Island Magee and 2 Blackcap in a garden in Whitehead (Cameron Moore).

5 Yellowhammer were visiting a garden in Richill.(A.Poots) 

 Our thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the pic of the Iceland Gull currently at McConnells Weir on the River Lagan and also to P.Wedderburn for this leucistic Chaffinch which was seen at Maguirebridge Co Ferm.Also to Bobby Cunningham for the Blue Tit and finally to Christine Cassidy for this Redshank. 

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